Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chicken - Poulet Marine sur Salade d'Avocats & d'Epinards

6 pieces farm chicken
Juice from 1 lemon
15 cl evoo (5 oz)
75 gr. green olives
1 T capers in vinegar
1 bay leaf
4 branches rosemary
Place chicken in oven dish.  Mix the rest and distribute over chicken.  Marinate in refrigerate at least 30 mins.  Cook in oven at 200 C (375F) 20 mins (I found it took longer - abt 45 mins) until juices run clear.  Serve with new potatoes and salad.

Salade:  Blanche 125 gr. green beans in boiling water, then put in ice water.  Scoop out 1 avocado and put in salad bowl with beans and 1 Batavia ou lettuce and 125 gr spinach leaves.  Mix 15 cl evoo, 5 cl balsamic vinegar, add s & p.  Toss salad with dressing and serve.


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