Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dessert - Butterscotch Pudding with Choc Ganache

To serve 4:    HUGE SUCCESS!

1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 T + 2 t cornstarch
1/4 t salt
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1/2 heavy cream
2 T unsalted butter, cut into bits
1 t pure vanilla extract

Whisk tog brown sugar, cornstarch, and salt in heavy medium saucepan; whisk in milk and cream. Bring to a boil over med heat, whisking frequently. Boil, whisking, 1 minute. Remove from heat and whisk in butter and vanilla. Pour into a bowl, cover surface with buttered wax paper and chill until cold - at least 1 1/2 hours.

Top with Chocolate Ganache (below), whipped cream, and salted almonds.

Chocolate Ganache   (I used 100 gr of dark chocolate and about 3/4 cup of heavy cream - could have used a bit more cream, maybe a cup).

To make ganache, hot cream is poured over chopped chocolate (semi sweet or bittersweet) and the mixture is stirred until velvety smooth. Proportions of choc to cream vary depending on its use - typical is one to one. (For this I like it softer, so more hot cream). Different flavorings could be added such as liqueurs and extracts.

When barely warm and liquid, ganache can be poured over a cake or torte for a smooth and shiny glaze. If cooled to room temp, it becomes a spreadable filling and frosting. Refrigerated ganache can be whipped for fillings and frostings or formed into truffles.


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